1966 Parish Directory
Parish History
History of The Blessed Sacrament Church.
In July 1954, a census was conducted by two young Seminary students, of the Catholic families living in the Mountain View and Sunrise Acres area. 85 families were living areas at that time. The Catholic Community had grown to 375 families. At that time, plans were made for a small chapel, school and consent on Diana Drive, the present site of the Blessed Sacrament Church.
Groundbreaking Ceremonies for the new building were conducted on Palm Sunday, April 3rd, 1955 by Monsignor Buchanan, C.V. Maynard Construction Co. of El Paso build the chapel which was later know as St. Jospeh’s Mission, a brand of St. Joseph’s Church, 3889 Hueco St., Fr. Gerald McDonald, Pastor. Cost of the building was $43,966.00. Due to lack of additional funds, the school was planned for only the first four grades plus kindergarten.
In August, 1955,
the Church and school were completed and blessed by Monsignor Buchanan. The School was opened in September, 1955, with an enrollment of 223 pupils. Miss Janet Condrey and Miss Janet Connolly, both of New England, and Mrs. Robert House, an El Paso parishioner, were the first teachers. The chapel and school building were what is now the front portion of the present school. The Church ran north and south along the front of the building with four classrooms, two on either side of the hall extending back from chapel.
In December, 1955,
the Convent was complete. The Chapel complex was dedicated by Bishop Metzger on January 15th, 1956.
While construction was proceeding on the Mission, a very rapid growth in Northeast El Paso was taking place. By the time of the mission dedication, the Catholic population had swelled to over 1000 families. Realizing the inadequacies of the mission to serve the congregation, subscriptions were being raised and donations received for a continuation in the building program.
Construction of the Church
as we now know it, began in March 1956. C.V. Maynard Construction Co. continued the building, made of cinder block and Hueco stone. The Church has a capacity of 650 and a choir loft for 200 persons. Total cost of the Church was $175,000.00. On September 22, 1957 the Blessed Sacrament Church was dedicated by Bishop Matzger. Fr. Hay was the first Paster, and remained so until July 15, 1963 when he received appointment as Rector of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Fr. Vonder Haar also received the appointment as present Paster of Blessed Sacrament.
By January, 1964,
the Toal census of the Blessed Sacrament Parish has grown to approximately 1300 registered families. School enrollment, grades 1 through 8, has increased to 585 pupils.